• In memory database system
  • Real time analytics
  • Improving existing business process
  • Finance: Group reporting and Integrated Financial Planning with SAP Analytics
  • Manufacturing with enhancement like the Live MRP is to benefit from lower inventory levels due to buffer levels that are appropriately sized.
  • PPDS (Production, planning and detailed scheduling)
  • AATP (Advanced Available to promise) innovation like additional check on product allocations, which is based on capacities after the product availability check in advanced ATP
  • Output management with BRF+
  • AVC (Advanced variant configuration)
  • Rebate settlement management
  • Predictive analytics in Inventory Management: this innovation monitors and make time-dependent investigations of the slow or non-moving materials in your stock
  • Sourcing and Procurement with the automation of purchase requisitions through configuration of standard rules.


S/4HANA is one of the most successful sap products. Following are the few benefits:

  • Drive new revenues and profits
  • Access the Internet of Things and Big Data
  • Simplify your processes, drive them in real-time and adapt instantly
  • Gain insight to any data, in real-time